The mission of the DOIT Community is...
"To help people around the world achieve more success with less stress."
The DOIT Community includes...
Our DOIT Members
Our DOIT "Pathfinders" (DOIT Qualified Coaches, Mentors and Advisors.)
Our DOIT Partners (Expert content contributors and accredited service providers)
Our DOIT Content Contributors (People who provide content to the DOIT Success System)
Our DOIT Team (Members Support, System Developers, Advisory board, DOIT HQ etc).
When anyone joins our community, our mission is to help them achieve
more success with less stress. In addition we hope that they will
embrace our mission and in turn help other people achieve more success
with less stress. Indeed, we believe that by doing so, they too will
enjoy more pride, satisfaction and so success.
We can all help other people in many different ways.
Share your new found knowledge, insights and skills with other people you know.
Encourage your family members to take advantage of the "Free Family Membership" feature.
Use the "Share" and "DearDOIT" facilities to show friends, family and other contacts features that have helped you.
Become a "DOIT Champion" by recommending the system to other people, and earning rewards for you or a charity of your.
Become a fully trained and qualified DOIT Pathfinder and help other people by providing accredited coaching, mentoring or expert advisory services.
Join the team of DOIT Content Contributors with recognition and thanks for your content.